Thursday, April 8, 2010

Jason and Carley Jax Talking

Jason and Carley are talking about the trial and how Maxie will do when she testify. Maxie was Fierce! That girl is awesome!

Jason is Talking To Sam About Ethan

Jason is talking to Samantha about Ethan. Jason believe Ethan is innocent of beating Christina

Jason and Diane Talking About The Trial

Jason and Diane are discussing the trial. Sonny is on trial for the murder of Claudia.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Christiana Was Beaten

What is wrong with Jason here? He has just realized that Christina may be telling a lie about what really happened to her. She was totally beaten by her boyfriend, Kiefer. Christiana lied and said Ethan, the son of Luke Spencer, did it to her. but, those of us who saw it happen know it was that no-good Kieffer who dealt her blow after blow.

Actor Steve Burton as Jason

Jason is in the hospital visiting Spinelli in this shot. Of course I chopped away most of the photo to try to show a close-up of Jason Quartermaine also known as Jason Morgan.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010